Yi Guan Acupuncture and Chinese Herbalism
Health & Wellness
Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm
About Us
Dan Perez, MD, LAc offering acupuncture, Chinese herbalism, and mind-body exercises.
It is the mission of our clinic to link East and West, as well as ancient and modern into one elegant practice.Rep/Contact Info
View Personal BioDr. Dan PerezDr. Perez has a longstanding interest in traditional Chinese medicine and eastern philosophy. His first martial arts and qigong master was a skilled Chinese herbal practitioner and Daoist scholar who regularly demonstrated the practical benefits of traditional Chinese medicine. Before completing his training at AOMA in Austin, Dr. Perez studied East Asian languages and culture at Columbia University while majoring in molecular biology. He went on to attend medical school in New York and completed his training as a forensic pathologist in Texas. Repeated and preventable patterns of disease observed during years of autopsies spurred him to pursue his dream of expanding his understanding of systems of wellness and illness beyond that of Western medicine. His mission at Yi Guan Acupuncture and Herbalism is to link his past training and experience—a culmination of a life of interest.
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